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/ Money in the 90s (1994 Edition) / Money In the 90s.iso / picture2 / 1292c145.shg (.png) < prev    next >
Segmented Hypergraphics Bitmap  |  1994-01-12  |  304KB  |  595x827  |  8-bit (229 colors)
Labels: bulletin board | grandstand | monitor | reckoner | sky | window
OCR: Under $10. .000 Flve Miler Fiva-yearcosts Options yea per Suggestod Entimatod prieeas 18al 1H Hen Tetal etai dealer %o (eity Cost ta MAKE AND MODEL retall eriginal Insure Repairs' Telkswagon For2dr $8,690 $7.995 S8235 n6% 51% 25/33 Veryhigh $4.320 3214 $20,777 9.520 8.663 8,923 25/33 High 4.342 214 21.151 $10.000 to $14.999 $14835 12.46 $12.959 849 63% 25/31 High $5.010 $190 $23.538 Acara iIntegra RS2ar hatch 12.930 10.86 11.285 25/31 High 5.010 190 21.982 Acura aIntegranS4dr 13.865 11,638 12104 25/31 Average 5010 190 23.635 Buial Centary Spect1adr 14,206 12.713 13.222 B8 23/31 Low 4,361 356 26.146 Batck Centar Speaial 14dr N9I 14.960 13,398 13,934 88 V.A :21/29 Low N.A. N.A Buick k Skylark Custem 2dr 12,955 12.113 12.598 90 38 22/32 Average 4,334 COE 26.272 Buick Sicylark Limibe 14dr 13,8 ...